Minnesota Niche: Beer Choir Twin Cities
What could possibly be better than a blend of beer and song? Enter Beer Choir Twin Cities, a chapter of the national Beer Choir Movement that pairs local beer and breweries with the impossible enthusiasm of song. After all, once upon a time, people gathered to drink beer in social harmony during a pre-cell phone era, when the prospect of breaking out into song was too good to resist. So think of Beer Choir as the logical extension of a long-standing human tradition.
When you walk into a beer hall for a Beer Choir event, you’ll find a vivacious, borderline rowdy gathering of fellow singers and drinkers ready to lift their voices (and glasses) in song.
How’s Your Taste in Music...and Beer?
Thankfully, Beer Choir's Head Honcho and Fun-Times Manager Adam Reinwald and Chief Strategist and General Do-er of Many Things Sara Langworthy offered to share a round-up of their favorite ditties to sing, paired with the appropriate beer combinations:
"At Beer Choir Twin Cities, we know how to pair a drinking song with the proper beverage to ensure both sufficient sloshing and singing. Here’s our list of top 10 Beer Choir songs (from our hymnal song book) that we sing at Beer Choir events held around town, along with our favorite beer pairings."
- Beer Choir Theme Song - Our theme song, and opener to every Beer Choir event, pairs nicely with Spiral Brewing’s Töwnie, an easy-drinking kölsch that is the perfect opener for any regular at the taproom.
- Dough Ray Me - Homer Simpson’s favorite song, a take-off on Maria Von Trapp’s ditty from The Sound of Music, would certainly be paired with a multi-faceted beer that hits two of Homer’s favorite flavors: beer and milkshakes. Try Inbound BrewCo’s Super G Lovshake.
- Ein Prosit Der Geműtlichkeit - Beer Choir’s favorite event each year is our annual Oktoberfest, and this German song is ONLY sung while lifting a Munich-style festbier. Excelsior Brewing cooks up all the tastes of fall with their Bitteschlappe Brown Ale, perfect for such an occasion.
- Drunken Sailor - Sung by pirates and land-lubbers, alike, this sea chanty about the punishments for not pulling one’s weight on the open seas goes nicely with a good English Bitter. Summit’s Extra Strong Bitter (ESB) is about as good as it gets.
- Tosse the Pot - The delicious tavern ales served in huge bowls featured in your favorite Anglophile period TV show were often full of whatever fruits and fermentables the tavern owners had lying around. I’m SURE that included mangoes...in England...in the early 1600s. Lift Bridge’s Mango Blondefits is our obvious recommendation.
- Danny Boy - "Danny Boy" is as Irish as Guinness. Enough said.
- Schnitzelbank - The most “uncommon” song in the Beer Choir Hymnal is this participate-or-else tongue-twister, which pairs nicely with Urban Growler’s Kentucky Uncommon.
- Let us Sing - Always sung in a round (one part repeating after the other), this ode to summer sunshine pairs wonderfully with something crisp and fruity. Think of cracking open a refreshing Lakes & Legends St. Gail while singing this with two friends.
- Charlie Mopps - This tribute to the “man who invented beer” - and all the places he likes to frequent - sits beautifully on the tongue, just like 56 Brewing’s ‘Ssippi Squeeze New England IPA.
- Finlandia - Our warm, community-building ender at local events is a lovely hymn that seems to unite an entire crowd. It’s like a big hug. That means it goes nicely with Bent Paddle Brewing’s Black Ale, with a drop (or two) of whiskey. That’s about as heartwarming as it gets.
"Want to sing and drink with us? Head over to BeerChoirTwinCities.com and be sure to sign up for our email list where we keep you up-to-date on all our upcoming events, merch deals and other shenanigans. Hope to see you at a Beer Choir soon!"
Minnesota Niche Lightning Round: Beer Choir Favorites
On the hunt for your own Minnesota Niche group? Check out these stories about other social adventures in niche-dom.
Special Thanks: JX Event Venue
Production Team: Joe Demko, Ezra Gold, Ryan Klabunde, Brennan Vance

This story is made possible by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund and the citizens of Minnesota.
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