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What’s It Like to Train Hollywood’s Furriest Stars?

William Berloni has trained some of the most famous animals in Hollywood and on Broadway, and he does so in a humane way.

All of his animals are rescues, adopted from shelters and proving that with the right training, almost any animal can become a professional actor.

Getting his start on the original production of Annie when he was only 20 years old, Berloni has gone on to train animals in 27 Broadway plays and won a Tony Award for his contributions to the theater in a career that has spanned 41 years.

He came to St. Paul in 2017 for the Ordway's production of Annie with one of his actresses, Marti.  This was her second time playing the role of Sandy, she also played Annie's sidekick in the 2014 film remake of Annie starring Quvenzhané Wallis and Jamie Foxx.


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This story is made possible by the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund and the citizens of Minnesota.

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